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A comparison and overview of BZFS API events.

BZFS API event Function
bz eAllowAutoPilotChangeEvent bz_eAllowAutoPilotChangeEvent is an API event that is called each time a player is about to change autopilot.
bz eAllowCTFCaptureEvent bz_eAllowCTFCapEvent is an API event that is called each time a flag is about to be captured.
bz eAllowFlagGrab bz_eAllowFlagGrab is an API event that is called each time a player is about to grab a flag.
bz eAllowKillCommandEvent bz_eAllowKillCommandEvent is an API event that is called each the /kill command is executed.
bz eAllowPlayer bz_eAllowPlayer is an API event that is called each time a player connects to the server.
bz eAllowSpawn bz_eAllowSpawn is an API event called before a player respawns.
bz eAnointRabbitEvent Bz_eAnointRabbitEvent is an API event that is called each time a new rabbit is to be selected.
bz eAuthenticatonComplete bz_eAuthenticatonComplete is an API event that is called each time global authentication for a player is complete.
bz eAutoPilotChangeEvent bz_eAutoPilotChangeEvent is an API event that is called each time a player is about to change autopilot.
bz eBanEvent bz_eBanEvent is an API event that is called each time a regular ban is executed.
bz eBZDBChange bz_eBZDBChange is an API event that is called each time a BZDB variable is changed.
bz eCaptureEvent bz_eCaptureEvent is an API event that is called each time a team's flag has been captured.
bz eFilteredChatMessageEvent bz_eFilteredChatMessageEvent is an API event that is called for each chat message the server receives. It is called after the server or any plug-ins have done chat filtering.
bz eFlagDroppedEvent bz_eFlagDroppedEvent is an API event that is called each time a flag is dropped by a player.
bz eFlagGrabbedEvent bz_eFlagGrabbedEvent is an API event that is called each time a flag is grabbed by a player.
bz eFlagResetEvent bz_eFlagResetEvent is an API event that is called each time a flag is reset.
bz eFlagTransferredEvent bz_eFlagTransferredEvent is an API event that is called each time a player with Thief steals a flag.
bz eGameEndEvent bz_eGameEndEvent is an API event that is called each time a game ends. This only triggers when the game countdown ends (A Game Over), or when /superkill is initiated.
bz eGamePauseEvent bz_eGamePauseEvent and bz_eGameResumeEvent are API events triggered when a game (i.e., a time- or score-limited match) pauses or resumes, respectively
bz eGameResumeEvent bz_eGamePauseEvent and bz_eGameResumeEvent are API events triggered when a game (i.e., a time- or score-limited match) pauses or resumes, respectively.
bz eGameStartEvent bz_eGameStartEvent and bz_eGameEndEvent are API events triggered when a game (i.e., a time- or score-limited match) begins or ends, respectively.
bz eGetAutoTeamEvent bz_eGetAutoTeamEvent is an API event that is called for each new player is added to a team.
bz eGetPlayerInfoEvent bz_eGetPlayerInfoEvent is an API event that is called each time the server sends out a player info update message to a remote player.
bz eGetPlayerMotto bz_eGetPlayerMotto is an API event that is called when the player joins. It gives us the motto of the player.
bz eGetPlayerSpawnPosEvent bz_eGetPlayerSpawnPosEvent is an API event that is called each time the server needs a new spawn position.
bz eGetWorldEvent bz_eGetWorldEvent is an API event that is called before the BZFS server defines the world.
bz eHostBanModifyEvent bz_eHostBanModifyEvent is an API event that is called each time before a hostban is going to happen.
bz eHostBanNotifyEvent bz_eHostBanNotifyEvent is an API event that is called each time a hostban is executed.
bz eIdBanEvent bz_eIdBanEvent is an API event that is called each time a ban on bzid (idban) is executed.
bz eIdleNewNonPlayerConnection bz_eIdleNewNonPlayerConnection is an API event that is called each time there is an idle connection.
bz eKickEvent bz_eKickEvent is an API event triggered when a player is kicked from the server. This event may be triggered by both the /kick Slash Command,another plug-in, or the game's core logic...
bz eKillEvent bz_eKillEvent is an API event triggered when a player sends the /kill Slash Command to kill another player.
bz eListServerUpdateEvent bz_eListServerUpdateEvent is an API event called before the server adds itself to the list server.
bz eLoggingEvent bz_eLoggingEvent is an API event called whenever a debug message is outputted. These can normally be seen with the -d verbose options.
bz eLuaDataEvent bz_eLuaDataEvent is an API event that is called each time a BZDB variable is changed.
bz eMessageFilteredEvent bz_eMessageFilteredEvent is an API event that is called whenever a message is censored by the swear filter.
bz eMsgDebugEvent bz_eMsgDebugEvent is an API event called every time packets are sent to the server.
bz eNetDataReceiveEvent bz_eNetDataReceiveEvent is an API event that is called each time net data is received.
bz eNetDataSendEvent bz_eNetDataSendEvent is an API event that is called each time net data is sent.
bz eNewNonPlayerConnection bz_eNewNonPlayerConnection is an API event that is called each time there is a connection to the server not from a player.
bz eNewRabbitEvent Bz_eNewRabbitEvent is an API event that is called each time a new rabbit is selected.
bz eNullEvent bz_eNullEvent is the start point for the bz_eEventType enumeration. It is never called and has no data.
bz ePlayerAuthEvent bz_ePlayerAuthEvent is an API event triggered when a player's authorization status changes.
bz ePlayerCollision bz_ePlayerCollision is an API event that is called each time two players collide.
bz ePlayerCustomDataChanged bz_ePlayerCustomDataChanged is an API event that is called each time bz_setPlayerCustomData() is run.
bz ePlayerDieEvent bz_ePlayerDieEvent is an API event that is called each time a tank is killed.
bz ePlayerJoinEvent bz_ePlayerJoinEvent is an API event that is called each time a player joins the game.
bz ePlayerPartEvent bz_ePlayerPartEvent is an API event that is called each time a player parts (ie, leaves) a game.
bz ePlayerPausedEvent bz_ePlayerPausedEvent is an API event that is called each time a playing tank is paused.
bz ePlayerPauseRequestEvent bz_ePlayerPauseRequestEvent is an API event that is called each time a player wants to pause.
bz ePlayerScoreChanged bz_ePlayerScoreChanged is an API event that is called when a player's score changes.
bz ePlayerSentCustomData bz_ePlayerSentCustomData is an API event that is called each time a player is sent custom data.
bz ePlayerSpawnEvent bz_ePlayerSpawnEvent is an API event that is called each time a playing tank is being spawned into the world.
bz ePlayerTeamChangeEvent bz_ePlayerTeamChangeEvent is an API event that is called each time a player switches teams via bz_changeTeam().
bz ePlayerUpdateDoneEvent bz_ePlayerUpdateDoneEvent is an API event that is called each time a player update finishes.
bz ePlayerUpdateEvent bz_ePlayerUpdateEvent is an API event that is called each time a player sends an update to the server.
bz ePluginLoaded bz_ePluginLoaded is an API event that is called each time a plugin is loaded.
bz ePluginUnloaded bz_ePluginUnloaded is an API event that is called when a plugin is unloaded.
bz eRawChatMessageEvent bz_eRawChatMessageEvent is an API event that is called for each chat message the server receives. It is called before any filtering is done.
bz eReloadEvent bz_eReloadEvent is an API event that is called each time a player reloads.
bz eReportFiledEvent bz_eReportFiledEvent is an API event that is called each time a player or plugin files a report.
bz eServerMsgEvent bz_eServerMsgEvent is an API event that is called each time the server sends a message.
bz eShotEndedEvent bz_eShotEndedEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot ends.
bz eShotExpiredEvent bz_eShotExpiredEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot expires.
bz eShotFiredEvent bz_eShotFiredEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot is fired.
bz eShotRicochetEvent bz_eShotRicochetEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot ricochetes.
bz eShotStoppedEvent bz_eShotStoppedEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot stops.
bz eShotTeleportEvent bz_eShotTeleportEvent is an API event that is called each time a shot teleports via a teleporter.
bz eSlashCommandEvent bz_eSlashCommandEvent is an API event that is called each time a player sends a slash command.
bz eTeamScoreChanged bz_eTeamScoreChanged is an API event that is called when a team's score changes.
bz eTeleportEvent bz_eTeleportEvent is called when a tank passes through a teleportor.
bz eTickEvent bz_eTickevent is an API event that is called once for each BZFS main loop. The wait time between tick calls can vary greatly depending on server load network conditions. Plug-ins that wish to enforce a maximum wait time between ticks should call bz_setMaxWaitTime with the longest wait time that is acceptable.
bz eUnknownSlashCommand bz_eUnknownSlashCommand is an API event that is called when the BZFS server does not have an installed handler for a specific slash command.
bz eWorldFinalized bz_eWorldFinalized is an API event that is called when the world is done loading.
bz eZoneEntryEvent bz_eZoneEntryEvent is an API event that is called each time a player enters a zone on a BZW map. The event is unused and has no data.
bz eZoneExitEvent bz_eZoneExitEvent is an API event that is called each time a player leaves a zone on a BZW map. The event is unused and has no data.