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bz eGetWorldEvent

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BZFS API Documentation This page contains part of the BZFS API documentation for use by Plug-ins on the BZFS server.

BZFS Event. This page documents a BZFS event that is called by the game server to notify plug-ins of various actions and state changes in the game world.


The bz_eGetWorldEvent is an API event that is called before the BZFS server defines the world.


bz_eGetWorldEvent returns the bz_GetWorldEventData_V1 data class.

name type value description
eventType bz_eEventType bz_eGetWorldEvent
generated bool The value representing the state of the world generation. If another plug-in has generated a world, this value will be set to true. If the plug-in processing this event, adds world geometry using the bz_addWorld methods (bz_addWorldBox, bz_addWorldPyramid etc. ) then it must set this value to true.
ctf bool This value represents the game state being a Capture the Flag (CTF) type game. Mutually exclusive with other game type setings.
rabbit bool This value represents the game state being a Rabbit Hunt type game. Mutually exclusive with other game type setings.
openFFA bool This value represents the game state being a Free For All type game. Mutually exclusive with other game type setings.
worldBlob char* A pointer to a memory location from which to read the world stream. Overrides worldFile.
worldFile bz_ApiString The path to the map file that will be used when this event is completed. If the string is zero length, then either a plug-in defined map or a random map will be used.
eventTime double Local Server time of the event.


This event is a modification event. It is the primary hook for plug-ins that wish to modify the world. The available options are;

Map file overide

If the plug-in wishes to force the server to use a specific map file, it can set the worldFile member.

Game Style overide

The plug-in may change the game style flags to override the initial game mode.

Plug-in defined maps

If the plug-in sets the worldFile member to a zero length string, it can then make any number of calls to the world definition functions to define a map file programaticly. These functions include;