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Revision as of 21:10, 25 September 2015 by Allejo (Talk | contribs) (Update return type and function name)
float bz_getCountdownRemaining ()
Retrieves the time remaining in a running countdown.
The amount of time remaining in a match in seconds, or
if a match is not currently in progress.
Display the remaining time to a user upon joining.
case bz_ePlayerJoinEvent: { int player = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData)->playerID; if (bz_isCountDownActive()) { bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, player, "Welcome! The current match will finish in %.0f seconds!", bz_getCountdownRemaining()); } else { bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, player, "Welcome! No match is currently running."); } }break;