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The cone object is a BZW object that defines a cone in the game arena.


Cone Appearance

To place a cone into your map file, the following template is suggested:

 name example_cone
 divisions 16
 position 0 0 0
 rotation 0
 size 10 10 10
 shift 0 0 0
 shear 0 0 0
 scale 1 1 1
 spin angle nx ny nz
 phydrv physics_driver_name
 matref material
 bottom matref material2

Valid parameters for a cone are:

Parameter Description
name defines the name of cone, often unused.
divisions defines the number of subdivisions (number of sides) in the cone, a higher value leads to a slower map with more detail.
flatshading defines the use of flat shading, smooth is the default.
position defines the position of the cone in X-pos, Y-pos and the height of the cone in Z.
rotation defines a rotation around the Z axis for the cone, in degrees.
size defines the distance from the center to the side of the cone in X and Y, and the total height of the cone in Z.
shift shift the cone (repeatable).
shear (repeatable).
scale defines the scale of the cone in x,y, and z, 1 is the default, lower values make it smaller (repeatable).
spin angle rotate the cone around a vector by angle. The vector <nx, ny, nz> must be a unit vector. Because the BZFlag client doesn't clip objects against the ground, it is advisable to ensure that the cone is rotated up and away from the ground. Otherwise, the cone will appear to be super-imposed on the ground, rather than embedded into it. (repeatable).
phydrv reference to a predefined physics driver.
smoothbounce defines that shot bounces use normals.
matref reference to a predefined material.
bottom matref defines a different material for the bottom surface (optional).


The cone, by default, has the red brick wall texture on the curved surface, and the grey roof appearance of a normal box on the bottom. However, using matref one can change the appearance of the cone.


The cone object has been supported since BZFlag 2.0.0. In previous versions of BZFlag, this object will not work.

Editor Support

Editors that support the cone object include Blender using the BZWTools, Wings3D, and pyBZEdit. BZEdit and BZFed do NOT support the cone.