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Flag Reference in Plugins

From BZFlagWiki
Revision as of 04:20, 11 December 2016 by Zehra (Talk | contribs) (added category)

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When making plugins for a map all flags need to be referenced in a certain way. This list shows how each flag is referenced in a plugin.

Good Flags

Agility (+A)

BUrrow (+BU)

CLoaking (+CL)

rapid Fire (+F)

Genocide (+G)

Guided Missile (+GM)

IDentify (+ID)

Invisible Bullet (+IB)

JumPing (+JP)

Laser (+L)

Machine Gun (+MG)

MasQuerade (+MQ)

Narrow (+N)

Oscillation Overthruster (+OO)

Phantom Zone (+PZ)

Quick Turn (+QT)

Ricochet (+R)

Super Bullet (+SB)

SEer (+SE)

SHield (+SH)

SteamRoller (+SR)

STealth (+ST)

Shock Wave (+SW)

Tiny (+T)

THief (+TH)

USeless (+US)

high speed (+V)

WinGs (+WG)

Bad Flags

Blindness (-B)

BouncY (-BY)

ColorBlindness (-CB)

Forward Only (-FO)

JaMming (-JM)

Left Turn only (-LT)

Momentum (-M)

Obesity (-O)

ReverseControls (-RC)

ReverseOnly (-RO)

Right Turn only (-RT)

TRigger happy (-TR)

Wide Angle (-WA)