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Join Group

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Revision as of 23:34, 24 April 2011 by Grans Remedy (Talk | contribs) (Requirements and rules realized)

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This use case describes the process a player will use to join a group. Some groups permit anyone to join them, others require that a request be approved by one of the groups managers (or founders).

Use Case diagram

The diagram shows the requirements and rules the use case is responsible for (via the <<requirement>> stereotype).



Post conditions

The actor has joined a player group or requested membership in a group.

Included use cases

Search for Groups

Requirements and rules realized

RQ10 Private groups are always closed
The system shall prevent the actor from joining a private group.

RQ8 Groups have a membership policy
A groups membership policy determines whether a player can join the group or not.

  • BR4 Open groups

The system shall enable any player to join a public group with an open membership policy.

  • BR5 By Request groups

The system shall enable any player to request membership of a public group with a by-request membership policy.

  • BR6 Closed groups

The system shall prevent any player from joining, or requesting to join, a public group with a closed membership policy.

RQ11 Track the status of membership requests
The system shall store and track the status of membership requests.

  • BR7 Alert group managers

The system shall notify group managers of a membership request for a group they manage.

  • BR9 Notification format

They system shall use a forum private message, email message, and a message displayed on the group management system main page to alert group managers of pending requests.

  • BR10 Prevent duplicate requests

The system shall prevent players from requesting to join a group where they have a request for the same group pending, or a previous identical request was actioned within the last 30 days.

Flow of events

The flow of events describes the main actor actions and system responses in the execution of the use case.

Activity diagram showing flow of events


Step: BF-9
Condition: Player added to group
Message Number: Msg 4
Message Text: You were successfully added to the following group(s) <<added group list>>. Additionally, your requests to join the following groups <<request group list>> have been sent to the respective group managers.