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A meshpyr is a BZW map object that constructs a specialized Mesh has the geometric apearance of a Pyramid. It was designed to replace the old pyramid with one capable of displaying materials and employing physics drivers.


The code for a meshpyr object is as follows

 position 10 20 30
 rotation 45
 size 1 2 3
 matref myMaterial
 phydrv myPhysics

Valid parameters for a meshpyr are

  • position; defines the center of the box in X and Y and the bottom of the box in Z.
  • rotation; defines a rotation around the Z axis for the box, in degrees.
  • size; defines the distance from the center to the side of the box in X and Y, and the total height of the box in Z.
  • matref; referance to a predefined material.
  • phydrv; referance to a predefined physics driver.


An meshpyr with out a material definition will use the default material used by a standard pyramid object. Geometrically a meshpyr is identical to a standard pyramid object.


Editor Support

The meshpyr object is only fully supported by the BZWTools blender plug-in.