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Revision as of 00:09, 20 February 2007 by JeffM2501 (Talk | contribs) (Code)

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A Pyramid is a BZW map structure that defines a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex in the world.


The code for a pyramid object is as follows

 position 10 20 30
 rotation 45
 size 1 2 3

Valid parameters for a pyramid are

  • position; defines the center of the pyramid in X and Y and the bottom of the pyramid in Z.
  • rotation; defines a rotation around the Z axis for the pyramid, in degrees.
  • size; defines the distance from the center to the side of the pyramid in X and Y, and the total height of the pyramid in Z.

Pyramids do not support Material, Texture Matrix, or Physics Drivers. The meshpyr object replaces the pyramid object as of BZFlag 2.0.0 and supports these features.


The pyramid object has a marble blue texture on all sides by default.



The pyramid is one of the original objects supported by BZFlag and has been a mainstay of maps since the very beginning. Pyramids are heavily used by the software when generating random maps. As of 2.0 a new pyramid object was added to support the new 2.0 Material and Physics Drivers. This new pyramid is known as the meshpyr. The original pyramid definition was not changed, in order to maintain functional compatibility for older maps.

Editor Support

The pyramid object is supported by all known editors.