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m (Fixed formatting with the comment symbols)
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<nowiki>#</nowiki> All other path examples given in this file use *nix format<br>
<nowiki>#</nowiki> All other path examples given in this file use *nix format<br>
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Windows users will have to change all the path examples given in this file.<br>
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Windows users will have to change all the path examples given in this file.<br>

Revision as of 20:51, 22 February 2007

# This is a BZFlag Server (bzfs) configuration file.
# It assumes that you wish to connect to the bzflag list server.
# Please read through it carefully. Lines starting with a # are comments.
# to enable an option, remove the # at the beginning of a line. To
# disable that option, put the # back. There are some examples in this
# file. Make sure you change the examples if you uncomment the line. If
# you don't know what something does, you are okay to just leave
# it commented out. Failure to read through this file (looking for
# already uncommented lines) might be a little embarrassing. Have fun.

# This option is for debug. You can have as many as 4 of them.
# simple debug
# and more complex debugging.

# Sets the admin password for the server. It is necessary for server
# administration if no groups are used.
-password abcdef

# Enables inertia and sets the maximum linear and angular accelerations.
# The units are somewhat arbitrary so you'll have to experiment to find
# suitable values. The values must be non-negative and higher values
# yield greater inertia.
# Used to control "Mouse Enhancements"
-a 50 38

## World ##

# This specifies the world filename.
# Use this format for Windows
#-world "c:\mymaps\louschurchyard.bzw"
# Use this format for *nix and Mac
#-world /users/noob/lousdesktop.bzw

## Random World Generation ##

# This option allows world objects to be randomly rotated. Only applies
# if a randomly generated world is used.

# Enables capture-the-flag style game with a balanced random map. Default is
# free-for-all style game.

# Adds teleporters to the game. for random maps only

# This option controls the building density on random worlds(1-10) default is 5
#-density 7

# This option changes the size of random maps.
#-worldsize 800

# This option gives buildings random heights. This is used when
# you are using random maps.

## Game Styles ##

# This enables capture-the-flag style game. Default is free-for-all style.
# Requires one base object for each team to be specified in the world file.
# Can be used with random world generation.

# More than one team-flag may be specified.
# This is generally not desirable.
# B* - Blue Team G* - Green Team, P* - Purple Team, R* - Red Team,
#+f B*
#+f R*

# This sets the maximum number of shots before a reload. The default
# is 5.
-ms 3

# This makes most shots ricochet.

# This option allows jumping.

# These two flags can be used if they are not specified as options.
# +f R{1} # Ricochet
# +f J{1} # Jumping

# This option allows for flags on box buildings.

# This option allows tanks to spawn on buildings. This is especially useful
# as tank spawn locations are now are calculated on the server without the
# advantage of knowing where shots are.

# By default if a player kills a teammate, he dies too, this option turns this
# off. Used mostly for capture the flag style games.

# Kick a player if his ratio of teammate to non-teammate kills is this
# percentage or greater.
-tkkr 32

# This option allows you to tell the server how long a team flag remains
# before it is reset after the last player on a team leaves. The default
# is 30 seconds.
#-tftimeout 60

# Hunt the rabbit game is activated with this option.
# Use only one of these options.
# Choose rabbit based on score.
#-rabbit score
# Rabbit is chosen by whoever kills the rabbit.
#-rabbit killer
# Or you can choose the rabbit randomly.
#-rabbit random

# It is possible to restrict bots and autopilot from being used on the server.
# This is accomplished with the following.

# This option causes the server to quit after serving one game. This is
# handy if you want to do a timed game, or script a rotating server.

# This option sets the max score for players. The game ends when a person
# reaches this score and is declared the winner.
#-mps 100

# This sets the max team score. The first team to reach this score is
# declared the winner and the game is ended.
#-mts 250

# This dumps the score to console when it changes.

# This sets time limit (in seconds) for the game. Time starts when first
# client connects.
#-time 3600

# This option requires a timed game to be started using the /countdown
# command to start a timed game. Default is when first player joins.

## List server Connection ##

# This is the public message that the server advertises on the public
# server list. This is required if you want to be shown on the list.
# It often advertises the map you are using. Keep it short.
-public "Noo BZFlag Server With Random Map"

# This is also needed to be listed on the public server list. The
# address needs to be valid in DNS. It's your IP, plus port number.
-publicaddr 123.456.789.000:5154

# The server will listen on this port. Default port is 5154.
-p 5154

# Tells server not to respond to "pings". This makes the server private.
# You should remove -public and -publicaddr when using it.
# If your router is open, you can still give people your IP and port, and
# they will be able to connect, you just wont be on the list.

# You probably don't need to use this, but it is there if you do. This
# specifies where the server advertises itself. The built-in default
# should work just fine. You need to hunt down the proper address if
# it doesn't work. DON'T Change It
#-publiclist <list-server-url>

# Server will listen for and respond to "pings" (sent via broadcast) on
# the given interface. The server uses the first interface by default.
# This is the TCP/UDP/IP address the server will listen on.
# You don't need to use this unless your server has multiple
# interfaces and doesn't show up on the server lists.
#-i 123.456.789.000

## Player Connections ##

# Automatically assigns players to teams when they join so that teams are
# evenly matched in number of players. Players are placed on teams with
# lowest number of players first, then those with the lowest scores or
# kill ratios.

# This sets the max number of players. It can be done in 2 ways. A flat
# count of players, or by number of players on a given team.
# This allows up to 50 players, no team limits.
# Typical home DSL connections max out at 12 players before lag begins.
# Lag equals players times shots. So a one-shot server could have more
# players, and vice-versa.
-mp 12

# This allows for max player by team.
# The order is rogue, red, green, blue, purple, observer.
#-mp 3,3,3,3,3,3

# This requires clients to use UDP (a good thing). This will generally
# make the server behave better, and make play more smooth.
# It will kick players who are unable to establish a UDP connection
# when they attempt to fire.

# Set to not use a UDP connection for players. You typically do NOT want to
# do this (UDP is good!)

# This option warns the user their lag is too high when it crosses the
# number of milliseconds set.
-lagwarn 350

# This option kicks players after they have been warned about high lag for
# a certain number of times.
-lagdrop 3

# This option kicks the user after they have been idle for a number of
# seconds. Idle means paused, not-spawning or not-responding.
-maxidle 300

# This option sets up your ban list. This is ip masks separated by commas.
# The * character is used as a wild card in range bans.
#-ban ",10.10.2.*,10.2.*.*"

# This option tells the server where to store the ban list. The ban list will
# be loaded from this file when the server starts (if the file exists) and
# written back to the file when someone gets banned or unbanned. If this
# option isn't used the ban list will not be saved.
#-banfile /path/to/mybanfile.txt

# Registered player files which will be loaded on startup.
# Use all three if you are not connecting to the list server.
# Players can use /register passwd and /identify passwd
# to confirm their identities.
# passdb stores local user password mappings.
#-passdb /path/to/passes.txt
# userdb stores user to group mappings.
#-userdb /path/to/users.txt

# If you use the BZFlag forums at
# and have established groups there, you only need groupdb
# Though local registrations can also be used.
# groupdb stores group to permission mappings.
#-groupdb /path/to/groups.txt

# If you have registered groups at the bzbb forums, only players
# in this group will see your server in the list.
#-advertise NOOB.COP

## General Options ##

# This is the server welcome message. Please change it.
-srvmsg " This is a Noo BZFlag Server "
-srvmsg " Have Fun and Play Nice "

# Define a message which will be broadcast to all players every 15 minutes.
-admsg " Noo BZFlag Server "
-admsg " BZFlag is Fun "

# This sets the amount of time in seconds that is required to pass between
# two identical messages sent.
-spamtime 15

# This sets the amount of times to warn spammers (see -spamtime) before they
# are kicked.
-spamwarn 3

# Specify a file that contains bad words that will be used when
# either -filterCallsigns or -filterChat is enabled.
# A multilingual badwords file can be found in source downloads.
#-badwords /path/to/badwords.txt

# Turn on the filtering of chat messages. Messages have words provided
# via a -badwords file are replaced with !@#$%^&* characters.

# Turn on the filtering of callsigns. Callsigns are compared against
# bad words provided via -badwords.

# By default, all filtering is aggressive, matching much more than what
# is strictly listed in a -badwords file for convenience. Providing this
# option will make the -filterCallsigns and -filterChat comparisons
# exact match only.

# This forces all clients to use the same time of day. The time is
# determined by the server's clock. This disables the + and - keys
# on the clients.

## Player Controlled Functions ##

# This option specifies a help file that will be displayed when the player
# types /help name
# Maximum length is 50 lines and 120 characters per line
#-helpfile shock /path/to/shockwavehelp.txt
#-helpfile noob /path/to/noobhelp.txt

# You can specify a file so that people can type /report to report problems
# on the server. The reports are logged in this file.
#-reportfile /path/to/reports.txt

# You can also use this option to cause the /report to trigger a command
# as well as, or instead of, logging to a file.
#-reportpipe command

# This specifies the number of seconds in which a poll can be vetoed.
#-vetoTime 60

# This specifies the percentage of people required for a successful vote.
#-votePercentage 51

# This is the number of voters required to hold a poll.
#-votesRequired 6

# This is the length of time that players have to vote.
#-voteTime 60

## Flags ##

# This option allows for antidote flags to be available for players who
# get bad flags.

# Bad flags are automatically dropped after this many seconds.
-st 5

# Bad flags are automatically dropped after this many wins.
-sw 1

# This allows you to limit the number of shots from a particular flag.
#-sl GM 20
#-sl L 20

# There are two sets of flags. Flags that must be in the world at all times
# and flags that may get generated randomly. in addition. +f specifies flags that
# must be there and -f specifies flags the should never be generated.

# The server will randomly place flags from the following list.
# To be sure there is at least a certain amount of a flag on the map
# at any given time, you can use the +f option to guarantee a certain
# number of a flag.

# Good Flags
+f A{2} # Agility
+f CL{2} # Cloaking
+f F{2} # rapid Fire
+f G{1} # Genocide
+f GM{2} # Guided Missile
+f IB{2} # Invisible Bullett
+f L{2} # Laser
+f MG{2} # Machine Gun
+f N{2} # Narrow
+f OO{2} # Oscillation Overthruster
+f PZ{2} # Phantom Zone
+f QT{2} # QuickTurn
+f SB{2} # Super Bullet
+f SE{2} # SEer
+f SH{2} # SHield
+f SR{2} # SteamRoller
+f ST{2} # Stealth
+f SW{2} # ShockWave
+f T{2} # Tiny
+f TH{2} # THeif
+f US{2} # USeless
+f V{2} # Velocity (high speed)
+f WG{2} # WinGs

+f B{1} # Blindness
+f BY{1} # Bouncy
+f CB{1} # Color Blindess
+f FO{1} # Forward Only
+f JM{1} # Jamming
+f LT{1} # Left Turn only
+f M{1} # Momentum
+f NJ{1} # No Jumping
+f O{1} # Obesity
+f RC{1} # Reverse Controls
+f RO{1} # Reverse Only
+f RT{1} # Right Turn only
+f TR{1} # Trigger Happy
+f WA{1} # Wide Angle

# Using "+f good" is the equivalent of doing +f for each of the good flags.
# If you want to restrict a certain flag, you can use the -f option.
# just like with the +f option. "-f bad" is the same as doing -f for
# all of the bad flags.
#-f bad #no bad flags
#+f good #one of each good flag
#-f G #no genocide

# Use +s to have the server generate a certain number of extra flags
# and have them available at all times. This is in addition to
# any other flags specified.
#+s 20

# The server will have up to this many super flags at any time.
# Use this if you don't use any other method of flag generation.
#-s 30

## Variables ##

# And there are three ways to load sets of server-specific variables.
# They can be specified in this .conf file.
# They can be specified in the .bzw map file in an options block.
# Or they can be specified in a third file with this option
#-vars /path/to/vars.txt

# Server variables can also be modified in-game using
# /set _varName value
# View the entire variable list by using
# /set (with nothing afterward) lists all vars
# /diff will list most non-default settings
# /? will list other available commands

# Here are a few examples of variables.
# Some variables are set to 0 for off, 1 for on.
#-set _obeseFactor 12
#-set _skyColor grey44
#-set _wingsJumpCount 3
#-set _tankExplosionSize 60
#-set _jumpVelocity 20
#-set _squishTime 7
#-set _mirror grey22
#-set _wallHeight 2
#-set _shotsKeepVerticalVelocity 1
#-set _drawGround 1
#-set _drawSky 1
#-set _drawClouds 0
#-set _drawMountains 0
#-set _fogMode exp
#-set _fogColor black
#-set _fogDensity .01
-set _rainType bubble

## Plugins ##

# Plugins have mostly superseded patches as a means of modifying
# the play of BZFlag servers. Recent improvements in the bzfs2.0.9 have enabled
# almost every server functionality to be modified with the plugin API.
# Plugins cannot be accessed unless you compile your plugins and
# bzfs binary with the option --enable-shared
#-loadplugin /path/to/playHistoryTracker

## Replay ##

# You can set up a server for replay mode by entering this option

# This option sets the recording buffer to the specified amount of megabytes.
#-recbuf 2

# This option sets the directory to look for and save recordings.

## More Comments ##

# This is intended to include the minimum options for a working
# BZFlag server, that is also connected to the list server.
# All you need to do is edit your IP numbers in -publicaddr
# and start bzfs.
# As it connects to the list server, your terminal will show
# something that looks like a player has joined, then immediately left.
# When you see that happen, you have succeeded, and are listed.
# If you can not connect to the list server, you probably need to open
# port 5154 through your router, for both UDP and TCP. Instructions for that
# are not included here.

# You join your server locally, by opening your BZFlag game client
# and editing these lines in the JOIN GAME screen.
# In the SERVER line add localhost
# In the PORT line add 5154
# Then JOIN your server.

# Here are the short instructions.
# Open your router firewall at port 5154
# Change the -publicaddr line in this .file to match your IP.
# In your terminal, cd to the location of the bzfs binary.
# ./bzfs -conf /path/to/sample.conf
# Don't take out any # comment markers or add options that you think look cool
# until after you have the server working.
# The options you need have been included in this file.
# You don't even need to specify a map, bzfs will create a random map for you.
# You do not even need this .conf file to start a server.
# You can use as many options you'd like just typing them into the terminal.
# Assuming you have installed BZFlag in default locations.
# In Macintosh terminal application these two should work
# cd /Applications/BZFlag2.0.8/Contents/MacOS/
# ./bzfs -dd
# In windows command prompt, these two commands should suffice
# cd C:\program files\bzflag2.0.2
# bzfs.exe -dd
# All other path examples given in this file use *nix format
# Windows users will have to change all the path examples given in this file.