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Server Permissions

From BZFlagWiki
Revision as of 03:55, 19 October 2014 by Allejo (Talk | contribs) (Added info about jitterwarn and packetlosswarn)

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Permissions can be assigned to groups and individual players on a server. These permissions control what a player may do on the server. Many of the permissions control which commands can be used by players.

Permission Description
actionMessage Allowed to use /me
adminMessageReceive Player receives messages sent to the admin channel
adminMessageSend Player may send messages to the admin channel
antiban Player is immune to /ban
antideregister Player cannot be deregistered with /deregister
antikick Player is immune to /kick
antikill Player is immune to /kill
antipoll Player is immune to /poll
antipollban Player is immune banning with /poll With the number of followers he/she/it has, it looks like it might be a compromised Twitter account trying to run some bots against people who tweet back.... maybe? I don't know.
antipollkick Player is immune kicking with /poll
antipollkill Player is immune killing with /poll
ban Player may ban other players with /ban
banlist Player may list active bans with /banlist
clientquery Player may issue /clientquery, available in version 2.4.3+.
countdown Player may issue /countdown
date Player may query the date and time from the server with /date
endGame Player may issue /gameover
flagHistory Player allowed to use /flag history
flagMaster Player allowed to use all /flag commands
flagMod Player allowed to use /flag reset, /flag show and /flag history. Using /flag reset to reset an individual flag requires flagMaster
hideAdmin Player doesn't show @
idlestats Player allowed to use /idlestats
jitterwarn Player may use /jitterwarn and /jitterdrop' to query or set jitterwarn/jitterdrop variable
kick Player allowed to use /kick
kill Player allowed to use /kill
lagstats Player may use /lagstats to query the latency of players
lagwarn Player may use /lagwarn and /lagdrop to query or set lagwarn/lagdrop variable
listPerms Player may use /showperms to show the current permissions of the user/selected player.
loadPlugin Player may use /loadplugin
masterban Player may use /masterban
modcount Player may use /modcount
mute Player may use /mute
packetlosswarn Player may use /packetlosswarn and /packetlossdrop to query or set packetlosswarn/packetlossdrop variable
playerList Player may use /playerlist
plugins Player may use /loadplugin and /unloadplugin. Requires bzflag to be built with the optional plug-in support, available in version 2.0.10+.
poll Player may use /poll
pollBan Player may use /poll ban
pollFlagReset Player may use /poll flagreset
pollKick Player may use /poll kick
pollKill Player may use /poll kill
pollSet Player may use /poll set
privateMessage Player may send private messages with '.'
record Player may use /record
rejoin Allows instant rejoin, regardless of _rejoinTime
removePerms May remove permissions from players
replay Player allowed to use /replay
report Player allowed to use /report
requireIdentify Registered callsigns must identify before they are allowed to spawn
say Player allowed to use /say
sendHelp Player allowed to use /sendhelp
setAll Grants all set* perms, allows use of /reload and /serverdebug
setPerms May grant permissions to players
setVar Player allowed to use /set
shortBan Allowed bans with limited durations only
showAdmin Gives a player an @ regardless of having the "shortban" or "ban" permission. The hideAdmin permission supersedes the showAdmin permission.
showOthers May use /showgroup and /showperms on other callsigns
shutdownServer Player allowed to use /shutdownserver
spawn Join game as a player. Observers don't need this permission.
superkill Player allowed to use /superkill
talk Allows player to send messages.
unban Player may use /unban
unloadPlugin Player may use /unloadplugin
unmute Player may use /unmute
veto Player may use /veto
viewReports Player may use /viewreports
vote Player may use /vote