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The 'Passion' map (previously known as ''), was a popular map hosted by the group PlanetMoFo and other servers for some time. It is so called because when displayed on the list server, MoFo will title it as "Planet MoFo: The Passion Of The <game mode>". It has undergone constant modification and change since its introduction, though every incarnation of the map has been of the same general format:
- A three tiered central "cake" with crosses on the top, and tunnels running through the middle.
- Outer boxes at the corners and in the middle of the sides. The corner boxes can be substituted for bases and have flat pyramids above them.
- Two smaller pyramids in each quarter of the map.
- Teleporters on the outer boxes. Which outer boxes have teleporters depends on the game mode.
Map History[edit]
Early map[edit]
The map was originally known as "" designed by Ducatiwannabe. This looks somewhat different from the current map, though the basic features are still recognizable.
"Classic" Passion[edit]
This bears more resemblance to the map played on the sever now. The characteristic "MoFo in the sky" was added, as well as flat pyramids over the bases, more outer boxes and more pyramids.
The flat corner pyramids have developed into a well-known camping spot for guided missiles.
Current Map[edit]
The current map has been re-made using 2.0 objects, and is now almost completely mesh. The center cake has been changed to look more '2.0', with the slight change in its shape, as well as the Planet MoFo FFA logo on the side and an Oscillation Overthruster camping spot. There were also further minor changes to the map in general. It is currently in its fourth revision.
In early 2007, billboards were introduced to display informative and amusing messages and pictures. They have been a great success since their launch, and Planet MoFo currently offer slots on the billboard rotation for those that have donated to the server.
The map has been edited to cater for all the major game styles, as well as some of the less popular ones, such as HTF. Other than these, there have been several other maps based around the original.
L4m3r's Re-work[edit]
This was one of the first additions of 2.0 elements to the original map, and was popular for some time. The crosses on the central cake were colored dark red, skewed to lean outward, and extended down to the ground through the cake's 3 layers. The middle tier of the cake was made drivethrough, and the flattened pyramids over the corners were replaced with a one-way mesh that tanks could not land on. The "MoFo in the sky" was also redone, this time using a flat mesh that flashed red and black.
Originally, the map also included transparent "glass" floors in parts of the center cake, but these were later removed because players were falling through them.
Passion of the Polygon[edit]
L4m3r adapted the Passion layout into a hexagonal map to create the Passion of the Polygon. Somewhat larger than the square Passion, the hexagonal version has 6 corners and uses 6-sided boxes and pyramids. Like the other geometric variations that followed, Passion of the Polygon was only used on the main server briefly as a novelty. However, L4m3r also used the hexagon for the "Steal the Bacon" game mode due to its symmetry for 3-team CTF.
A rhombus-shaped Passion was also developed for two-team CTF, with bases at opposing corners.
Passion of the 3-way[edit]
Two triangular passion maps were made, one by Spazzy McGee, the other by L4m3r. They both triangulated most objects, though in l4m3r's version, meshed skins were applied to the bases to make them triangular. In Spazzy McGee's they remained square.
April Fools[edit]
Some amusing Passion variants have been designed for April Fools' Day.
One year, L4m3r constructed a "Tiny-Huge Passion", inspired by "Tiny-Huge Island" from Super Mario 64. It was actually two copies of the standard Passion, one at 150% scale, and the other at 75%. The two Passions were connected only by their teleporters and set far apart in the game world, making it difficult to see one section from the other. The result was that players would travel through a teleporter to unknowingly arrive in the corresponding location of the other map, creating the illusion that the map had suddenly become much smaller or larger.
On April 1st, 2007, The MoFo team revealed a Hell-themed map which featured several changes. The usual "MoFo in the sky" was replaced with a giant pentagram, and the pyramids were made to spin. In place of the corner boxes were large, lopsided pyramids with flat sections cut out near ground level. The outer walls were removed, and the charcoal-colored ground was made "finite" in appearance, only extending a small distance outside the map boundary. Outside, a cylindrical wall of spinning, rising flames was added. This made the entire map appear to be spinning and falling through fire, as if into Hell; many players and a few of the MoFo admin team complained that the decoration made them feel disoriented when they tried to play. The added ricochet in the corner areas, removal of GM camping areas above the corners, and lack of outer walls also altered the map's usual gameplay.
The Inversion[edit]
Made by Spazzy McGee, this is the normal map, but instead of blocks, everything is inverted as holes in the ground.
MoFo Garage[edit]
A map by Sir_Pants that has a large car-park like structure below it.
Two Storey MoFo[edit]
Recently re-vamped, this map by Sir_Pants is similar to MoFo garage, but is much more playable. Among the added features were the second story beneath the main play area, and jump pads to go from the lower to top level. It is designed to be a 2-team CTF map, and Sir_Pants recommends the removal of the SW flag when playing this map.
This is a huge map with five cakes. It's basically four standard passion maps plugged together. It only really works with lots of players, but can be quite an interesting battle, since there are so many places to hide.
Epileptic Fit[edit]
A-Delusion's TextureMatrix 101.
Halloween Edition[edit]
For halloween 2007, the Planet MoFo team devised several draw-info animations objects, such as bats, dancing skeletons, and spiders. The map was also given a full texture makeover, with rotten wood and stone textures replacing the standard bricks. The map was received well, and is one of the few examples of where drawinfo code has been utilized in a successful map.
There has been some controversy surrounding Planet MoFo's use of this map. Originally, the map was designed for use on more conservative servers, however the map was hosted on a server network known for its liberalism. This was thought by some to be inappropriate, but the hosts and the author have since come to an agreement over its use and modification.