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bz eUnknownSlashCommand

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BZFS API Documentation This page contains part of the BZFS API documentation for use by Plug-ins on the BZFS server.

BZFS Event. This page documents a BZFS event that is called by the game server to notify plug-ins of various actions and state changes in the game world.


The bz_eUnknownSlashCommand is an API event that is called when the BZFS server does not have an installed handler for a specific slash command.


bz_eUnknownSlashCommand returns the bz_UnknownSlashCommandEventData_V1 data class.

name type value description
eventType bz_eEventType bz_eUnknownSlashCommandEvent
from int The player who sent the slash command
handled bool The current state representing if the command has been handled by a previous plug-in. Plug-ins that handle the command should set this value to true to communicate it's state to other plug-ins that have yet to process.
message bz_ApiString The full text of the chat message for the slash command, containing the command and all associated parameters.
eventTime double The server time at which the event occurred (in seconds).


This event should not be used by plug-ins to implement custom slash commands. This event is in the process of being deprectated and should be replaced with uses of bz_registerCustomSlashCommand.