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Castle Warfare
Castle Warfare is a 2 team (red vs. green) CTF map created by Duciwannatbe and hosted on BZtank.
Some main features of the map are listed here. (The map is exactly symmetrical).
- Castles: These contain the team base and sniping areas. There are GM sniping areas on the first and second floors. The third floor is the team base and laser sniping area. There are two towers on each castle, accessed by teleporters on the first level. A narrow bridge connects the castles at the second floor. The third floor contains "battlements" to dodge behind in case of an incoming bullet.
- Pyramids: There are eight pyramids placed on the ground to stop laser ricochet from getting out of hand.
- Central building: In the middle, it is a raised, roughly octagon shaped platform with walls placed at every diagonal, reaching down to the ground and rising above the platform. There are two closed-in tunnels under the platform for safer travel between the castles.
- Other objects: These include four raised platforms located in the corners of the map and two low walls with gaps in the middle and sides.
- Laser and Guided Missile: Laser is found most frequently on the third floor, with GM on the first and second floor, but they are still found in most places including on the ground. These are the most common superflags.
- Thief: Found in the middle, below central building.
- ShockWave: Very rare, but most commonly found below castles.
The two main ways for destroying enemies is sniping from the team base castle. Most players that get the enemy flag go across the bridge, but the safest way is through the tunnel. Wings is useful for killing enemy GM snipers in towers. You have to identify players (press i) before you shoot a guided missile because it is unusually easy to shoot teammates instead of enemies. (3 team kills=kick).
Camping (spawn-camping, base-camping, etc) like in Bloodbath, is a significant part of the game's strategy. Here are a few tips:
- Spawn-camping:
After a teammate captures the flag, you can aim at the enemy base with laser to instantly kill the tanks that come out.
- Camping with a Stealth:
After you get a stealth, go to the enemy base and jump to the first or second floor, wait at one end and then kill any tanks that respawn there. Camping on the third floor is a bit hard because it is open, so you are more at risk of getting killed.
- Camping with a Shockwave:
After you get a shockwave, go below the enemy base, and fire. If you want to kill the enemies on all the levels (except towers) jump and then fire. You can only have three shots, so be careful not to waste them (or kill your teammates).
- Base camping:
Base camping at the enemy base is only useful when all enemies are away from the third floor and your team is about to capture the enemy flag. Otherwise, it is dangerous (to you) and ineffective.
- Camping at tunnels with laser:
You can get laser and go to one of the tunnels to wait for enemies to come, and once they're inside they're basically dead (if you are at an angle small enough to the entrance of the tunnel).
On this server, '"excessive" spawn camping is not allowed. (Though it is rarely enforced, because it happens every time the flag is captured.)
How to put the team flag?[edit]
- Pros: Easy to shoot enemy, hard escape for enemy
- Cons: Easy for enemy to get flag, short time span
- Pros: Time consuming for enemy, easy to shoot enemy
- Cons: Easy escape for enemy, easy for enemy to use Wings
- Pros: Easy to shoot enemy
- Cons: Quick escape for enemy, easy for enemy to get flag
Notes of Interest[edit]
- Although the team flag is usually auto-placed on its team base once is is captured, sometimes it appears somewhere near the enemy base as a "indication" that the enemy has made several captures in a row.
- You do not get kicked for lag, jitter or packet loss.
- There are no bad superflags in Castle Warfare.
- In the GM sniping areas you cannot kill any tanks in other GM sniping areas on different floors.
- Team killing is much more possible (and much more enforced) than on most other servers.
Server Rules[edit]
3 shots between reload, 12 shots for laser, 15 shots for wings, unlimited GM shots, 2.0 seconds reload time, team killers are eventually kicked, lag, packetloss and jitter are warned of.
Castle Warfare today[edit]
Castle Warfare is hosted at and at port 5155. It is usually full or partly full from 7AM-7PM (Pacific Standard Time).